slvc Team Types
Training TEam
The Training Team is a great bridge program that SLVC has developed over 15 years. This is a safe space for athletes interested in transitioning from rec to club programs. This team practices one day a week for 2 hours each practice, and focuses on building a strong foundation of volleyball skills, knowledge, understanding, teamwork, and having fun. These teams do not participate in traditional tournaments, which can be overwhelming to new comers. Instead they participate in game-like-drills to transition the skill development into a game-like environment that still promotes positivity and excitement. SLVC Training Team members are usually ready for a club team after 1 or 2 seasons on the training team.
Training Teams will practice 1 day a week for 2 hours per practice: Tuesdays 6-8pm. This format is to allow beginner players a smooth transition from rec to club competition.
Club Teams
Club Teams are the next step for athletes looking to take their base set of volleyball skills to the next level. Club Teams train 2 times a week for 2 hours each practice. These teams continue to focus on volleyball fundamentals, but start to add rotations, positions, and strategy, while still promoting a safe environment for mistakes and learning new things! Club Teams will participate in 5 local Friday/Saturday or Saturday tournaments and compete against other teams from around the area.
Club Teams will practice 2 days a week for 2 hours per practice.
SLVC accepts players from 10u (4th grade) to 15u (9th grade).
We focus on young athlete development. Our goal is to provide players with a solid base of volleyball skills that they will be able to take with them as they continue throughout their volleyball careers.
practice Days & Times
All practices are @ Christ Lutheran
- Training Team - Tuesdays 6-8pm
- 12U - Tuesdays/Thursdays 6-8pm
- 13U - Tuesdays/Thursdays 6-8pm
- 14Black - Mondays/Wednesdays 6-8pm
- 14Green - Mondays/Thursdays 5:45-7:45pm
- 15U - Mondays/Wednesdays 5:45-7:45pm
Since we share our gym with a school, there are a few days that have scheduling conflicts and the "regular" practice schedule will be adjusted slightly. These days will be communicated to each team, as well as updated on the TeamSnap calendar.